The Daniel Craig 007 Workout: Day 5

Today I finished the weekday portion of the Daniel Craig Workout.

Power Circuit
Reps: 10 of each exercise
Sets: 3

- Clean and Press
- Weighted Knee Raise
- Weighted Stepups
- Pull-up
- Triceps Dips
- Incline Pushup

And what a way to finish. My workout buddy ended up pulling out of the circuit right before the incline pushups -- to puke. Now that's the sign of a good circuit.

We pushed hard through the exercises, and even I was feeling quite gassed -- yet somehow energized -- at the end. It's all about finishing strong, gents.

This weekend... just a little light cardio both Saturday and Sunday. And that about does it for the Daniel Craig Workout.

You'll be pulling Bond girls in no time.

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