Why Canned Food May Be Healthier Than You Think

A surprising (and fiber-rich) new study, with an accompanying infographic released by Del Monte Foods.

Question:  Do Nashville families who eat canned veggies get more nutrients than those who don't?
Answer:  According to the 2016 "Canned Vegetable Nutrients Study" -- a dietary analysis of 24,000 people conducted by the Canned Food Alliance, with analysis by Dr. Marjorie Freedman (of San Jose State University) -- the answer is a resounding "yes."  Del Monte's infographic explains this new data. 
Consider this:
*  94% of American adults are not eating enough fruits and vegetables
*  Adults who eat canned fruits and vegetables eat 19% more fruit and 17% more veggies than those who don't
*  Adults who eat canned fruits and vegetables consume 7% more dietary fiber and 5% more potassium than those who don't
*  Canned fruits and vegetables include low-sodium options and non-GMO foods like Del Monte Blue Lake Cut Green Beans
These nutritional benefits affect our kids, too:
*  9 in 10 kids don't eat enough vegetables and 6 in 10 kids don't eat enough fruit
*  Kids who eat canned fruits and vegetables eat 14% more fruit and 22% more veggies than those who don't
*  Kids who eat canned fruits and vegetables consumed more protein, fiber, vitamin A, calcium, and potassium (but less fat)
Experts believe that canned food has this surprising effect not only because canned vegetables carry nearly identical nutrients to their fresh-cooked counterparts, but they are also an easier way to get recommended daily servings of fruits and veggies -- which can lower risk of heart disease, stroke, and certain cancers.
Because most Del Monte fruits and vegetables often go from farm to can within one day, before arriving in Nashville grocery stores, they lock in key nutrients � allowing us to enjoy the benefits of their favorite veggies, even when not in season.  For tips on delicious ways to incorporate more nutrients into your diet, visit: Delmonte.com/addveggies

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